Today I desire to kick off this series on Guidelines of the Game by getting you to think differently about your life. I’m not guaranteeing that you’ll have some sort of life-changing surprise,but if you can stick with me through this and future blog posts,you’ll notice some changes. After all,you can’t flex the rules to your advantage up until you know what they are!

What is a guideline?

Before we start,let me cover a couple of basic concepts and concepts.
What is a rule? Well,a rule is essentially a broad classification of beliefs that specify how someone believes the world runs. The keyword here is “believes.”.
Most of the time,people are operating on guidelines that they set on their own without even understanding it.

Rules You Think Exist

What are some rules you might unconsciously follow? Well,in my work as a property developer and the people I have actually connected with,I’ve found these to be incredibly common:

· You need to work more to make more money.

· If you workhard,your work will be rewarded.

· You have to go to school to get a goodcareer.

· The government will take care of you in retirement.

Do you want to know a common thing among all of these guidelines? More times than not,these rules are broken.
In reality,you’re the only one envisioning them,and everyone else is doing simply fine without them.

The Flip Side

If these fictional guidelines do not exist and everyone does not follow them,what’s stopping you from following your own set of guidelines? In fact,rules are crucial; it’s simply essential you’re following the right set of guidelines.
Guidelines ought to be empowering,they ought to set a requirement of conduct for you to follow,they should have a cause-and-effect relationship with your results,and they need to set your protocols and treatments.

Stay Tuned

Did I fascinate you? Follow me on social networks and this blog and get ready for the next entries in their series where I’ll start revealing you the rules I follow and advise to others.